Columbia Middle School STEM: Curiosity Unleashed!

Columbia Middle School is excited to announce the return of our STEM program! Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math are the foundations for most global careers in the 21st century. In this class, students will learn to work collaboratively to develop solutions to real world problems.


Through immersion in hands-on projects and open ended exploration, our wildcats will develop the ability to think critically, use creativity, and communicate effectively. Students will have access to the same advanced computer technology that professionals use in the field, conduct research-based experiments, and collect data that will allow them to make educated decisions. 


Building robots, constructing model roller coasters, and flying electric planes are just a few of the activities offered in this course. STEM professionals from around the state will work with our students to give them real life experiences in their field and provide an in-depth insight into their career. By making on site visits to research facilities, local colleges, and participating in technology competitions, we hope to spark curiosity, foster an interest in STEM careers, and motivate our students to excel in the classroom! With this program, we know that we will be able to take Columbia Middle School to new heights, to increase student achievement, and surpass expectations!


Taught by Ms. Angela Jennings, this STEM course represents both an essential component of modern education, and a pursuit she is passionate about sharing. She has this to say on her perspective of STEM education:


STEM education is the key to helping prepare our students to be globally competitive when they enter the workforce. Long gone are the days that graduates are competing for positions with applicants from just our own country. Now, they will have to compete with individuals from around the world. 

This class is unique because it offers something for everyone. Every day students enter the classroom, they know that they will be participating in hands-on experiential based activities. They get excited to have the ability to build, experiment, and solve real world problems on a daily basis. I often describe it as organized chaos, but I wouldn't have it any other way!