We'd like to inform our TCS stakeholders that Wednesday, March 10 (Remote Day) , Thursday, March 11 (Group B Day) & Friday, March 12 (Optional Workday) will remain as published on the current academic calendar.
However, Monday, March 15 will be a Remote Learning day in place of Wednesday, March 17, for all students in Tyrrell County Schools. This change is in response to the Tyrrell County Court System requesting the use of Columbia High School to hold court proceedings on this date.
With this adjustment, Group A students will attend on Tuesday, March 16 & Wednesday, March 17. Group B will keep their regular schedule on Thursday, March 18 and Friday, March 19. Meals will be delivered on Monday, March 15 instead of Wednesday, March 17.
Link to the TCS 2020-21 Academic Calendar
Sin embargo, el lunes 15 de marzo será un día de aprendizaje remoto en lugar del miércoles 17 de marzo para todos los estudiantes de las escuelas del condado de Tyrrell. Este cambio es en respuesta al sistema judicial del condado de Tyrrell que solicita el uso de Columbia High School para llevar a cabo procedimientos judiciales en esta fecha.